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Hartland United FC

Hartland United FC

Bylaws & Board Positions


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Rules, Regulations and Policies

Download complete Hartland United FC Rules, Regulations and Policies

Board Positions

Board positions are two year terms. Elections are held at our Annual General Meeting in November. Board meetings are open to the public and all person interested are invited to attend.

Positions elected in even years

Positions elected in odd years

Appointed Positions

List of current Board Members

Board positions as outlined in Section 5 of HUFC By-laws

The President

  1. Shall act as chief executive officer of the Club and preside at all meetings of the members and board of directors for the HCSA.
  2. He/She shall call or schedule all board meetings.
  3. He/she shall submit an annual report on the operation and welfare of the HCSA at the annual meeting.
  4. He/she shall have general and active management of the activities of the HCSA and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect
  5. He/she shall execute all authorized conveyances, contracts or other obligations in the name of the HCSA except where required by law to be otherwise signed and executed and delegated by the Board of Directors to some other officer or agent of the HCSA.
  6. In addition, the President may appoint representatives to other leagues or organizations, for the purpose of attending meetings and representing the HCSA interests.
  7. The president shall help in organizing committees to preside and report to the Hartland Comn1unity Soccer Association.
  8. Shall attend all Special Presidential Meetings and the Annual General Meeting held by MSYSA
  9. Shall attend special district meetings held by the MSYSA District Commissioner.
  10. Will interact with community officials, as appropriate, on behalf of the HCSA.
  11. Must have been on the HCSA board for a minimum of two years.
  12. top

The Vice President

  1. In the absence of the president, shall act as chief executive officer of the Club presiding at all meetings of the members and board of directors for the HCSA.
  2. He/she shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties.
  3. Shall support and assist all officers of the club as deemed necessary.
  4. Shall support the development of the annual budget for the HCSA.
  5. Shall be responsible for risk management of the HCSA.
  6. Minimum of two years on current board.
  7. He/she shall act as chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee.
    • He/she or his/her appointee shall preside at all Disciplinary Committee meetings and hearings.
    • He/she shall be responsible to communicate any disciplinary actions to any members of the HCSA soccer community.
  8. The Vice-President shall be responsible for working in conjunction supporting the Director or Paid Coaching regarding the selection and coordination of coaches for in-house and travel teams.
    • Support the recruitment and training of new coaches.
    • Coordinate and direct all coaching training as necessary.
    • Arrange training for level licenses.
    • Specific training (goalie, variable age bracket, etc.)
  9. top

The Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds and securities of the HCSA and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the books and records belonging to the HCSA.
  2. He/she shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name of and credit of the HCSA, as may be ordered by the Board of Directors.
  3. He/she shall disburse the funds of the HCSA as may be ordered by the Board, taking vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render whenever they may require it, an accounting of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the HCSA.
  4. The Treasurer shall submit an annual financial statement at the annual meetings.
  5. The Treasurer shall be bonded and upon leaving office for whatever reason shall turn over to the HCSA all books, records, papers, vouchers, monies and other property in their possession and belonging to the HCSA.
  6. top

Secretary & Trustee in Charge of Communications

  1. The Secretary shall attend all Board meetings and Annual membership meetings of the HCSA and record all votes and minutes of the proceedings.
  2. He/she shall handle all correspondence of the Board of Directors in cooperation with the HCEO.
  3. He/she shall maintain a membership list in cooperation with the HCEO.
  4. Manage the material to be posted on the HCSA website:
  5. Coordinate general information to the members of HCSA via our website and emails.
  6. Assist the Board of Directors in establishing and maintaining the website parameters.
  7. Report to the HCSA board about the website status, maintenance cost, sponsorship information and funding.
  8. Submit communication to Community Life or other community news organization.
  9. top

Trustee in charge of Registration

  1. He/she shall work in conjunction with the Director of Paid Coaching to facilitate the registration process for both the Fall and Spring outdoor seasons.
    • Establish registration dates and deadlines.
    • Review and approve registrations forms prior to sending to print.
    • Obtain completed registration forms from the HCEO the day following the last day of registration.
    • Place players on teams for both in-house and recreational travel teams on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Receive select and premier team rosters as compiled by the coaches of their respective teams.
    • Submit all in-house and travel teams to the HCEO by the mutually agreed upon deadline.
  2. Players shall be placed in age appropriate divisions, as specified by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) and/or the HCSA affiliated leagues.
    • A player may be placed in an age division one year older that his/her age appropriate division at the discretion of the Registrar.
    • Players wishing to play in an age division that is more than one year greater that his/her minimum age division must receive HCSA Board approval prior to team placement.
  3. top

Trustee in charge of Facilities

  1. Shall work closely with the HCEO, the School District of Hartland and Hartland Township Public Works to maintain the fields and facilities that the HCSA utilizes throughout the soccer seasons.
  2. Set up all game fields that are used for Travel and Select games to comply with USYSA requirements.
  3. Ensure and oversee that all fields are mowed and striped to USYSA compliance for game days.
  4. Ensure that all equipment used on the playing fields is in good shape and safe for play.
  5. Ensure that all practice facilities are in good shape and safe for play.
  6. Ensure that all facilities are in sound structural condition and safe for use.
  7. Identify, propose and assist in the purchase of needed equipment and materials for fields and facilities.
  8. Assist the Board of Directors in establishing a Field/Facilities budget for each year.
  9. Coordinate with the Trustee in Charge of Referees to decide if fields are in playable conditions for in-house games. This is to be accomplished 1 hour before the commencement of games on each game day and during the day if changing conditions warrant.
  10. top

Trustee in charge of Referees

  1. Schedule and conduct game referee assignment meetings for each season for all games at Hartland home fields, with the exception of Premier League center referee assignments.
  2. Administrate and assign referees for any rescheduled or added matches.
  3. Record and calculate the referee payroll for each given period and transmit to HCEO for payment execution.
  4. Administrate and communicate all rule applications to the referees at large and individually for the respective game level and leagues for competitions involving Hartland teams.
  5. Give classifications on law applications and league rule applications to players, coaches and referees as requested and deemed necessary.
  6. Review and assess referee proficiency for game assignments.
  7. Remediate any situation involving referee assignments, actions and/or conduct before, during or after a match involving Hartland referees assignments and/or games.
  8. Coordinate with the Trustee in Charge of Facilities to decide if fields are in playable conditions for in-house games. This is to be accomplished 1 hour before the commencement of games on each game day and during the day if changing conditions warrant.
  9. top

Trustee in charge of Uniforms and Equipment

  1. Identify, propose and assist in the purchase of player uniforms and equipment for the HCSA for all in-house, recreation travel and select travel teams.
  2. Assist the Board of Directors in establishing a Uniform/Equipment budget for each year.
  3. Order enough uniforms and equipment for all players and coaches for both the sp1ing and fall sessions.
  4. top

Western Suburban Soccer League (WSSL) Representative

  1. The WSSL Rep shall act as the liaison between the HCSA and the WSSL.
  2. Shall attend all WSSL meeting including the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Shall ensure all club information, registration packets, monies and/or oilier data are filed on time as required by the WSSL.
  4. Shall report any HCSA questions, concerns or ideas at the WSSL meetings.
  5. Shall report any pertinent information from the WSSL at the HCSA board meeting.
  6. Shall keep current all information required by the WSSL.
  7. Shall keep pennanent records of all WSSL minutes.
  8. Shall instruct the HCEO, board members and coaches in the preparation of required forms, fees, rosters and other information the club is obligated to provide to the WSSL
  9. Ensure that the HCSA is always in good standing and abiding with the WSSL By-laws and Rules of the game.
  10. Shall pick up trophies awarded to HCSA teams and arrange for distribution to respective teams.
  11. As required, shall represent HCSA on matters involving team issues, protest, etc.
  12. Shall meet with the travel coaches each season to prepare them for play in the WSSL.
  13. Shall be responsible for fees incurred for failing to attend a mandatory WSSL meeting.
  14. top

Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA) and Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (MSPSP) Representative

  1. The Rep shall act as the liaison between the HCSA and the MSYSA & MSPSP.
  2. Shall attend all MSYSA & MSPSP meetings including the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Shall report any HCSA questions, concerns or ideas at the MSYSA & MSPSP meetings.
  4. Shall report any pertinent information from the MSYSA & MSPSP at the HCSA board meeting.
  5. Shall keep current all information required by the MSYSA & MSPSP.
  6. Shall keep permanent records of all MSYSA & MSPSP minutes.
  7. As required, shall represent HCSA on matters involving team issues, protest, complaints, conflicts, etc.
  8. top

Schedule Coordinator

  1. Shall develop a calendar, which include the playing weeks of the season, fields and conflicts that would affect schedules (football, lacrosse, and soccer).
  2. Shall work with all HCSA teams.
  3. Shall provide scheduling precedence as follows:
    1. Premier (Division 1, 2...)
    2. Select (Division 1, 2....)
    3. Recreational (Division 1, 2...)
    4. In-House (Oldest to Youngest)
    5. Tournaments or Friendly games
  4. Shall schedule Sunday games preferably after 12:00pm.
  5. Shall submit to Trustee in Charge of Referees all finalized game schedules.
  6. Shall work with coaches and Trustee in Charge of Referees in canceling and rescheduling or relocating fields as needed throughout the season.
  7. AU changes to the master schedule must be approved by the Schedule Coordinator.
  8. top

Trustee in Charge of Concessions and Fundraising

  1. Shall submit proposals to the HCSA regarding various forms of fundraising.
  2. Assist the Board of Directors in establishing a fundraising budget for each year.
  3. Establish the list and pricing of items to be sold at concessions or on special order.
  4. Assist the Board of Directors in establishing a Concessions budget for each year.
  5. Establish the menu and pricing of items to be sold at concessions.
  6. Purchase stock for inventory and replenish items as required during the season.
  7. Provide a 50% discount on all concession merchandise for all certified referees working that day and wearing their jersey.
  8. Participate in and coordinate the scheduling of staff ensuring proper coverage of concession events.
  9. Coordinate the scheduling of Board Member on Duty (BMOD) assignments
  10. top


Hartland United FC
9525 Highland Road 
Howell, Michigan 48843

Phone: 810-626-2150
Email: [email protected]

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